Click here to register online for this event – you must be registered to attend!
An Independent U.S. LawShield Program Attorney will walk seminar attendees through topics such as the Castle Doctrine, the justified use of deadly force, where you can legally carry, what to expect when law enforcement arrives, and much more. Every event has dedicated question-and-answer segments to ensure all attendees are able to get the information they need from a source they can trust. This class will arm you with the knowledge to help keep you safe and on the right side of the law.
SPECIAL BONUS: All attendees will receive the U.S. LawShield publication (When Can I Legally Shoot? The Law Of Deadly Force), a $19.95 value, completely free. This book explains the ins-and-outs of the law of deadly force in your state in easy-to-understand language, helping you understand when you are legally allowed to pull the trigger.
What topics will be explained at our event?
- The legalities of the Castle Doctrine;
- When the use of deadly force is legally justified;
- Where you can legally carry; and
- What to expect when law enforcement arrives.
Register Online – Thunder Lakes Patron
This course is a compilation and condensation of everything that we have learned concerning the fundamentals of shooting! We start the day off with an interactive presentation on safety and then move quickly into understanding the foundations of shooting. It is highly recommended that you take advantage of the outline we provide as well as begin a personal training notebook to record your learning process. We cover a great deal of information and your notebook use can increase your capacity to retain that information.
The distilled purpose of this class is to provide you with a foundation so that you can safely and effectively practice or “train” on your own. With this class under your belt you will be ready to take other courses that focus more on advanced techniques and tactics. Training with firearms can be very expensive and our goal is to make that cost an investment. If you apply the principles of this course you won’t just shoot your hard earned paycheck downrange, but improve the practical skills that you may need in a defensive situation.
Check out our page entitled “What to bring with me to (any) class” to help you gear up for this course! I strongly recommend you bring at least 150 rounds to this course. Several students use as many as 200 rounds.
Call today at 260-665-8133 today or stop in to get registered!
Beginner Handgun 1: $95 per person. Ages 18+ unless accompanied by parent or legal guardian also taking the course. A 4 hour course designed for the new handgun owner or prospective handgun owner this course teaches safety in handling, storing and transporting the firearms as well as Equipment (Gun, Ammunition, holsters, purses, accessories), Proper Shooting techniques and more. There are three hours of class room work followed by the last hour shooting rimfire pistol on the range.
Gear Needed: 50 rounds of CCI or Federal .22LR rimfire ammunition are needed. This is available for sale at the training site. You do not need a firearm as a rimfire pistol will be provided should you indicate a need during your registration, however, it is best to bring your own firearm.
Beginner Handgun 2: $95 per person. Ages 18+ unless accompanied by parent or legal guardian also taking the course. A 4 hour course picking up where Beginner Handgun 1 left off. This course is a 4 hour range class working on shooting fundamentals done slowly and perfectly to include working from the holster, ball and dummy work, malfunction clearance and reloading while firing.
Gear Needed: 100 rounds of centerfire ammunition needed along with your carry pistol. If you do not own a carry pistol we have a limited number of Glock 9mm pistols with paddle style holsters, magazines and magazine pouches available for students. Arrangement must be made prior to the class date for this loaner gear.
Combined Beginner Hand Gun 1 & 2 same day: $175 per person. For the student who wishes to take both Beginner Handgun classes on the same day (AM and PM) we offer this package deal. A half hour break between classes will be given for lunch. You may wish to bring your lunch and eat on-site due to time constraints.
This is a great opportunity to learn basic handgun care and safety for first time handgun buyers who need to learn from home due to COVID-19 shutdowns or just because you prefer the comfort of your own home!
This course will be the first step in becoming a responsible gun owner and will be taught by one of our in-house instructors and our gunsmith. There will be Q&A sessions so that your specific questions are answered.
This course will walk through the basic functions of your firearm, how to safely own and operate your firearm and how to maintain your firearm.
Examples of some of what will be discussed are:
Firearm SAFETY
How a cartridge works
Basics of Revolvers and semi automatics
How to handle jams, misfires. Hangfires*stovepipe, squib
Loading and unloading
Sight picture -front sight focus verses target or rear sight
Caring for a gun
This course is $10. (Registration comes with 1-hour of FREE Range Time to be used at a later date!) To register you will need to call our store and prepay over the phone or stop in and see us. Once registered, you will receive an email invite the day of the class at the email address you provide which will link you to ZOOM.
You will need a computer with a webcam and your firearm. Make sure your firearm is unloaded!
This is a great opportunity to learn basic handgun care and safety for first time handgun buyers who need to learn from home due to COVID-19 shutdowns or just because you prefer the comfort of your own home!
This course will be the first step in becoming a responsible gun owner and will be taught by one of our in-house instructors and our gunsmith. There will be Q&A sessions so that your specific questions are answered.
This course will walk through the basic functions of your firearm, how to safely own and operate your firearm and how to maintain your firearm.
Examples of some of what will be discussed are:
Firearm SAFETY
How a cartridge works
Basics of Revolvers and semi automatics
How to handle jams, misfires. Hangfires*stovepipe, squib
Loading and unloading
Sight picture -front sight focus verses target or rear sight
Caring for a gun
This course is $10. (Registration comes with 1-hour of FREE Range Time to be used at a later date!) To register you will need to call our store and prepay over the phone or stop in and see us. Once registered, you will receive an email invite the day of the class at the email address you provide which will link you to ZOOM.
You will need a computer with a webcam and your firearm. Make sure your firearm is unloaded!
This is a one day course that prepares students to become better marksmen and provides a follow up workbook guide to train students even after the course! This is a comprehensive training program to achieve mastery of pistol marksmanship fundamentals. This class includes classroom, live and dry fire range time and a workbook to guide your training to complete mastery of the fundamentals. This course will cover aiming, stance, position and grip as well as recoil management and trigger control. This course has limited availability to ensure plenty of one on one time with each shooter.
This course is for individuals whom possess at minimum basic handgun knowledge and use.
Required Gear: Semi-Auto pistol or revolver, 300 rounds, holster, minimum of two magazines and eye and ear protection are required.
Brian Zins History Channel’s Top Shot
Call today at 260-665-8133 today or stop in to get registered!
Beginner Handgun 1: $95 per person. Ages 18+ unless accompanied by parent or legal guardian also taking the course. A 4 hour course designed for the new handgun owner or prospective handgun owner this course teaches safety in handling, storing and transporting the firearms as well as Equipment (Gun, Ammunition, holsters, purses, accessories), Proper Shooting techniques and more. There are three hours of class room work followed by the last hour shooting rimfire pistol on the range. There is no test. 50 rounds of CCI or Federal .22LR rimfire ammunition are needed. This is available for sale at the training site. You do not need a firearm as a rimfire pistol loaner will be provided should you indicate a need during your registration, however, it is best to bring your own firearm.
Beginner Handgun 2: $95 per person. Ages 18+ unless accompanied by parent or legal guardian also taking the course. A 4 hour course picking up where Beginner Handgun 1 left off. A waiver of Beginner Handgun 1 may be given by our staff trainers in individual cases where it is appropriate. This course is a 4 hour range class working on shooting fundamentals done slowly and perfectly to include working from the holster, ball and dummy work, malfunction clearance and reloading while firing. There is no test. 100 rounds of centerfire ammunition needed along with your carry pistol. If you do not own a carry pistol we have a limited number of Glock 9mm loaner pistols with paddle style holsters, magazines and magazine pouches available for students. Arrangement must be made prior to the class date for this loaner gear.
Combined Beginner Hand Gun 1& 2 same day: $175 per person. Ages 18+ unless accompanied by parent or legal guardian also taking the course. For the student who wishes to take both Beginner Handgun classes on the same day (AM and PM) we offer this package deal. A half hour break between classes will be given for lunch. You may wish to bring your lunch and eat on-site due to time constraints.
This is a great opportunity to learn basic handgun use and safety for those looking to better understand pistol operation and safety from home due to COVID-19 shutdowns or just because you prefer the comfort of your own home!
This course will be the first step in becoming a responsible gun owner and will be taught by one of our in-house NRA instructors. There will be Q&A sessions so that your specific questions are answered.
This course will walk through the basic functions of your firearm, how to safely own and operate your firearm and how to maintain your firearm.
Examples of some of what will be discussed are:
Firearm SAFETY
How a cartridge works
Basics of revolvers and semi automatics
How to handle jams, misfires. Hangfires*stovepipe, squib
Loading and unloading
Sight picture -front sight focus verses target or rear sight
Caring for a gun
This course is $10. (Registration comes with 1-hour of FREE Range Time to be used at a later date!) To register you will need to call our store and prepay over the phone or stop in and see us. Once registered, you will receive an email invite the day of the class at the email address you provide which will link you to ZOOM.
You will need a computer with a webcam and your firearm. Make sure your firearm is unloaded!